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Psychology Of The Observer

Richard Rose

In the robot, the Designer placed a little curiosity, to keep the robot moving once it was assembled and born, so that the Designer would not have to perform every motion for every robot.

But the robot became curious about his origin, and immediately the Designer became a direction of the curiosity.

In the robot the Designer placed an ability to recreate, so that, that which was created creates, not only by reproducing but also by projecting mental creations. And all of this was designed to transform the robot into a self-sustaining unit.

And thereupon the original creation with its orderly intentions was placed in jeopardy. And the robot forgot his curiosity about his Designer, and projected phantoms of false hope and monsters of desire. And darkness was projected as light.

Psychological Directions


Self Delusion

Defining the Self

The Umpire

On Meaning

Diagram - Jacob's Ladder

Polarity and Balance

Diagram - The Invisible Current University Lectures

The Umpire

The Process Observer


Questions and Answers

The Practical Approach

Controlling The Mind


