
From Direct-Mind.Org

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Resolving the date of 1980-Winter-Psychology-and-Metaphysics-Columbus will help resolve the date of this lecture.

In 1980-Winter-Psychology-and-Metaphysics-Columbus Rose says, "I gave a similar talk to this in Pittsburgh and I’m going to touch on the same material."

In "1980 Metaphysics Columbus" the date "Winter" is based on this tape's "Winter". But where did the date and venu info on this tape come from?


Dave Mettle's tape cassette of 1980-Winter-Psychology-and-Metaphysics-Columbus says "Winter", with "Fall" crossed out.

In 1980-Winter-Psychology-and-Metaphysics-Columbus Rose mention that the TAT Journal w/ Aborigines article is about to be published; has advance copy. That would be:

TAT Journal Issue 10 -- The Magical World of the Australian Aborigines, by Mark Jaqua

Need publishing date.
