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File 1 = 31 minutes.

My talk tonight has to do with the reasons for the spiritual search.

I’ve come to the conclusion that man is a race of liars.

A race of liars are unable to tell the truth, and the majority of these people will never find the truth.

Playing the game. Tremendous mutual back-scratching, you tell your lie and I’ll tell my lie. Judges, doctors, pharmacists.

Lying inspectors, agents, governments go along with it. Newspapers lie.

Our children see it.

If you want to survive you have to be a liar.

Learn to lie adroitly.

No advantage in our society for telling the truth.

Everyone wants to be protected by some guild.

Education is a lie, tremendous load of garbage classes.

By the time you absorb the education you’re not fit to teach anybody.

All to fatten up the system.

The entity (organization) has to feed itself.

The people who are supposed to protect us are the biggest liars.

Lawyer has a license to lie. He is protected by his license.

File 2 = 14 minutes.

No, I’m the observer of the senses.

We can observe our bodies, senses, and we can observe the process.

As observer, have to admit some sort of duality.

So who is the fellow who acts, who decides?

Many are automatic?

Who is it that reacts?

The answer has to be that I don’t know.

There’s an observer observing himself, or there’s an observer and an actor.

Desire or fear.

Being able to desire is being able to act.

A compulsion?

Does not the witnessing of this compulsion open the door for influencing the compulsion.

And if we influence the compulsion we are an actor.

This is great stuff.